Day#1 Keynote speech
Instructions for use: how do we use the data spaces to solve real problems
Day#2 Keynote speech
Day#2 Sponsor session 10:45-12:15
- From AI Act to Structured Testing of AI Systems - Nishat I Mowla, Katya Mishchenko & Kabir Fahria RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
- How does investing in Open Source software development contribute to enhancing European technological sovereignty? - Selma Souihel Inria
- AI for an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable future in Europe - Sabine Demey imec
Day#2 Sponsor session 13:15-14:45
Day#2 Sponsor session 15:00-16:30
- IDEAL-IST & DEP4ALL National Contact Points Support for Horizon CL4 Digital and the Digital Europe Programme - Leonardo Tonetto IDEAL-IST
- GenAI, AI and AI-Act: the pathway to responsible AI - Maurits Butter TNO
- AI-BOOST Opportunities for the EU AI ecosystem - Open Challenge Prize Programme - Susana Garayoa & Jaume Cot Zabala Innovation
Mapping the EU AI ecosystem – state of play and next steps
- Towards supporting innovation, competitiveness and digital sovereignity by mapping the Auropean AI-Data-Robotics Ecosystem
- Kickstarting the Adra joint topic group on Ecosystem Mapping & Information Repository (EMIR)
Generative AI in inspection and maintenance (I&M): Learnings across sectors, low-hanging industry use cases, and future challenges and opportunities
- Generative AI in inspection and maintenance (I&M): Learnings across sectors, low-hanging industry use cases, and future challenges and opportunities
- AutoGPT+P: Affordance-based Task Planning Using Large Language Models
- AI based LLM will ease the introduction of robotics
- AI & Robotics
- Resource-efficient (Gen)AI for Inspection & Monitoring
- Opportunities for industrial use of GenAI in inspection and maintenance
- ADRA’s Policy Paper and Technology Roadmap on GenAI for Robotics
- Generative AI for the aviation and maintenance sectors
- Workshop summary: “Generative AI in inspection and maintenance (I&M): Learnings across sectors, low-hanging industry use cases, and future challenges and opportunities”
Generative AI for robotics and flexible industrial automation
- GenAI for industrial robotics
- AI-MATTERS - The Manufacturing TEF
- INTELLIMECH_Agile Human-centric and Real-time Open Source Technologies advancing Industrial HRI in Europe
- EURECAT Cost-Effective Hand-Held Grippers for Rapid Robotic Skill Acquisition
- AIMEN The impact of human message ambiguity on the efficiency of collaborative robotics frameworks
- IPC GenAI for plastics and composites
- MTC Harnessing GenAI in manufacturing
- POLIMI GenAI and transfer learning methods for zero-defect additive manufacturing and bioprinting