With the assistance of AI, machinery can be highly automatic and intelligent. Humans, instead, are unique in creative and flexible thinking, connecting thinking and action to long-term aims, values and purposes, and judging activities and purposes from an ethical point of view. 

Current data-driven AI is still too narrow to help humans, lacking in social and emotional intelligence and restricted in reality. Hybrid intelligence (HI) involves both humans and machines in the loop, combines the strengths of humans and machines to collaborate and reinforce each other, and emphasizes mutual understanding and joint learning from each other in their co-evolution via interactions in multiple realities. 

AI, big data, education, data privacy and ethics in the resulting multi-reality are naturally connected. 

Objectives of the workshop

  • initiating a new Adra topic group to foster collaboration and innovation for HI research; 
  • fill the gap in the current research field, promote the HI research and gather people in the related fields to build a united and supportive community for HI study and related applications; 
  • identify the main research problems and challenges; 
  • foster the discussion between academia and industry for controversial topics such as emerging ethical issues and new regulations related to HI research.


  • Welcome and opening: Guoying Zhao
  • "Service robotics and AI from an industry point of view” - Francesco Ferro  (Pal Robotics)
  • “From robotics to cobotics: Hybrid intelligence and capabilities” - Liming Chen (Ecole Centrale de Lyon)
  • “Trustworthy AI, bias and the role of hybrid intelligence” - Roberta Calegari (University of Bologna)
  • “AI-Data-Robotics + Human: A way to go?” - Juha Röning (University of Oulu)
  • Panel discussion: Chair: Janne Heikkilä; Panel members: Francesco Ferro, Liming Chen, Roberta Calegari, Juha Röning
  • Closing remarks: Janne Heikkilä

List of the workshop speakers:

  • Francesco Ferro, Pal Robotics, France
  • Liming Chen, Ecole Centrale de Lyon
  • Roberta Calegari, University of Bologna
  • Juha Röning, University of Oulu

Questionnaire for audience