Short description: This session explores the latest updates of the European AI-on-Demand platform, designed to connect AI researchers and innovators. It will guide participants through the platform's functionalities, showcasing how it facilitates access to AI resources and collaborative opportunities.
Date: 05.11.2024 | 14:15-14:45
Location: Philips Hall
This session explores the latest updates of the European AI-on-Demand platform, designed to connect AI researchers and innovators. It will guide participants through the platform's functionalities, showcasing how it facilitates access to AI resources and collaborative opportunities.
Tailored for members of the AI research and innovation community, the presentation also highlights the benefits of AI-on-Demand in bridging the gap between research and market applications. By connecting stakeholders from academia, industry, and SMEs, the platform fosters collaboration that leads to practical, scalable AI solutions. Participants will gain insights into how to maximize the potential of AI-on-Demand to bring their research closer to real-world impact, while also exploring ways to contribute to and benefit from this growing ecosystem.
Organiser: Joaquin Vanschoren, Machine Learning Researcher and Associate Professor at Eindhoven University of Technology, part of the AI4Europe team